Manufacturers to Meet Next Week in Nation’s Capital to Push Agenda

The nation’s oldest manufacturing association is sending its Manufacturing Army to Washington, D.C., on June 10 and 11 to meet with national leaders and update them on the importance of manufacturing to the nation’s economy.

The National Association of Manufacturers’ Manufacturing Summit provides NAM members the opportunity to meet with members of Congress and talk with congressional leaders and administration officials.

The two-day, fly-in Manufacturing Summit also presents a great opportunity to network with colleagues in addition to letting elected leaders know what manufacturers need to stay on top of the global market.

To register for the full Manufacturing Summit or individual events, click here

“Manufacturing is making a comeback, but imagine how much stronger this comeback could be if Washington removed impediments to growth and focused on policies that will help us compete, innovate and strengthen our communities,” said NAM President and CEO Jay Timmons. “Manufacturers are engaged in the policy battles that will determine the future path of our country.”

Timmons said member and non-member advocates can push lawmakers across the finish line on policies critical to manufacturing competitiveness. According to a survey of congressional staff conducted by the Congressional Management Foundation, “in-person visits by constituents” are the best way to influence an undecided lawmaker.

This year, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., will give their insight about the legislative and political outlook in Washington and how manufacturers can make a difference on the issues that matter most.

NAM’s focus will be on a wide range of critical pro-growth policy issues, including tax, energy and regulations, labor and workforce, trade and infrastructure. The agenda includes how manufacturing drives our economy and the importance of NAM’s priorities of the NAM Growth Agenda.

The Business Council of Alabama is the exclusive representative of the NAM in Alabama.

-Dana Beyerle