President and CEO

Helena Duncan became the current BCA president and CEO in December of 2022. She has a long history in business with over 30 years of combined experience in the financial and association industries. Her focus since taking control of BCA has been on building and improving Alabama’s business environment while strengthening BCA’s advocacy efforts in Montgomery and Washington, DC.

A Vision for BCA's Future

As President and CEO, Duncan feels BCA has given her an opportunity to promote statewide policies that create more opportunity for businesses. The veteran businesswoman plans to build on her previous BCA experiences and relationships to help the organization find new ways to advocate for the business community and communicate BCA’s priorities moving into the 2023 legislative session.

“Many businesses I spoke with in my Investor Relations role were trying to stretch a dollar a long way and get the most they could out of their BCA investment. We are going to prioritize legislation that grows our economy and focuses on sustained job creation,” stated Duncan. 

The focus of BCA is building and improving Alabama’s business environment – in turn benefitting working Alabamians as well as businesses. If you work in Alabama, then BCA is working for you. Duncan will continue to keep business needs at the forefront of BCA’s 2023 legislative priorities, while implementing new advocacy strategies.

“Our newly developed strategic plan has been focused on fresh and innovative ways to refine and refocus our advocacy efforts for the business community in Alabama, but our mission remains the same – work hard for pro-jobs and pro-growth legislation,” said Duncan. “BCA’s leadership has tasked me with strengthening relationships with our members and those within the branches of our state and federal government.”

For over 37 years, BCA has been the unified voice of the Alabama business community. Duncan has a clear vision for BCA’s future as she leads the organization’s mission of advocating for pro-job and pro-growth legislation.

“BCA will continue to work cooperatively with other organizations to find new and compelling ways to support employers and the workforce. Alabama has a strong business climate, but we need to continually work to protect employers and their workforce from unnecessary mandates and costly regulations from special interest groups who do not appreciate or understand the challenges associated with keeping the doors open and the lights on,” stated Duncan. “We have a talented, experienced, and energetic staff and leadership that is dedicated to strengthening the organization. Their commitment ensures that BCA can continue our mission to provide a powerful voice to Alabama businesses that will be heard in Montgomery and in Washington, DC.”

From her early years as a bank teller all the way to her current role as BCA President and CEO, Helena has been known for her down-to-earth yet professional attitude. Watch “10 Questions with Helena” to learn more about BCA’s incredible new leader and how she will lead the organization’s mission serving as the voice for Alabama businesses.

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