Congresswoman Martha Roby Addresses Montgomery Constituents, Receives Spirit of Enterprise Award

U.S. Rep. Martha Roby today at the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce’s Eggs & Issues breakfast updated chamber members and guests on state and national issues. Rep. Roby, R-Montgomery, touched on the tax cut, regulatory rollback, and military and farm issues.

Rep. Roby serves on the House Committee on Appropriations and Appropriations subcommittees on Defense, Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, and Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies.

She also serves on the House Judiciary Committee and the Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations Subcommittee.

Following her speech, Rep. Roby received the Spirit of Enterprise Award sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Council of Alabama. The award was presented by U.S. Chamber Southeast Region Manager Brince Manning.

Rep. Roby said while Congress in many instances is divided, a unified government passed the 2017 tax cut. “You know as well as I do this is a very big deal,” she said.

“We delivered on the tax reform bill that delivered on our promise to cut taxes and reach down into the tax code and jump-start the economy,” she said. “Under the new law, the average American family of four will see $2,100 in tax relief not just once but annually. Having extra thousands of dollars goes a long way and makes a difference in a family budget.”

Rep. Roby, whose Second Congressional District, includes the Central Alabama Veterans Health Care System, has questioned VA accountability in health care for veterans.

Rep. Roby advocated for and Congress last year passed the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act that was signed into law by President Trump.

The bill gives the Secretary of Veterans Affairs authority to remove, demote, or suspend any VA employee for misconduct, poor performance, abuse, or neglect.

“One of my top priorities has been proper care for our veterans,” she said. “It might have been dropped from the headlines but not from my interest.”

Rep. Roby and U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., were instrumental in securing the 187th Joint Strike Force fighter wing to Montgomery, a move that will mean additional jobs and significant economic development.

She said President Trump and Congress are attempting to roll back Obama-era regulations that harm the economy and personal freedoms.

Issues on the front burner include President Trump’s infrastructure plan and a five-year agriculture bill that the House might vote on next week. The bill includes work requires for able-bodied Americans receiving assistance while maintaining vital nutrition assistance for “our most vulnerable Americans,” Roby said.