MONTGOMERY, Ala. – The Business Council of Alabama (BCA) announced today that the board of directors of ProgressPAC, BCA’s pro-jobs political affiliate, endorsed Kelvin Datcher in the upcoming special election for Alabama House of Representatives District 52.
“ProgressPAC proudly endorses leaders focused on growth and solutions, dedicated to moving Alabama forward,” stated Will Wilson, Chairman of ProgressPAC. “Our commitment lies in fostering a business-friendly environment that strengthens communities and generates employment opportunities across the state. We stand behind candidates devoted to safeguarding and empowering employers who drive quality job creation for all Alabamians.”
BCA’s endorsement of Kelvin Datcher is a decision rooted in his proven commitment to his community and his vision for a more prosperous future for all residents. With a track record of advocacy and service, Datcher embodies the qualities necessary to represent the interests of the district effectively. His dedication to addressing key issues facing constituents, like economic opportunity and education, reflects a deep understanding of the challenges facing Alabama families.
Kelvin Datcher’s experience and vision uniquely position him to enact positive change and advance the interests of House District 52. His collaborative approach to governance, coupled with a commitment to bipartisanship, offers a promising path forward in addressing the complex issues that affect the district and the state.
The House District 52 special primary election will be held on Tuesday, June 18, 2024; the special primary runoff, if necessary, on Tuesday, July 16, 2024; and the special general election on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.
The Business Council of Alabama is the premier voice for Alabama business. BCA is a non-partisan, statewide business association representing the interests and concerns of nearly 1 million working Alabamians through its member companies and its partnership with the Chamber of Commerce Association of Alabama. BCA is Alabama’s exclusive affiliate to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers.
ProgressPAC is the political affiliate of the Business Council of Alabama. ProgressPAC remains committed to fighting for Alabama’s future by endorsing pro-jobs candidates who will help lead Alabama in the right direction.