Are you voting for jobs this November?

motionmailapp.comThis November, the American people face a clear choice between two starkly different visions for the future of this country. Will we choose the path of jobs, growth, and opportunity and allow free enterprise to lead the economic recovery? Or will we continue down the path of Washington gridlock and more failed big-government policies?

Americans have the opportunity to play a deciding role in this debate by voting this November.  That’s what makes voting one of the greatest rights and responsibilities of being an American citizen.

At the Business Council of Alabama, we are working to ensure that all voters embrace their right to make their voice heard on the issues that will shape our future.

It’s easy to be cynical in this political environment. Some believe our problems are too big and our politics are too small. Some wonder whether voting is worth the bother, whether it will make a difference. 

The truth is that every vote and voice matters in this election. If you want your voice to be heard, vote. With so many close contests this year, every vote really does count.

Between now and November 4, we are working to spread the message that economic growth and a vibrant free enterprise system are fundamental to creating jobs, prosperity, and opportunity for all.

With 34 days to go until the general election on Tuesday, November 4, we are pleased to provide you with the “2014 Election Resources Page” which includes 2014 political endorsements issued by the board of directors for ProgressPAC, the political arm of the Business Council of Alabama. 

We’re also partnering with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to make sure you have all the voting tools you need available at your fingertips. Visit today.

-Nancy Hewston