Alabama Members of Congress Receive National Manufacturing Award for Support

Congratulations are in order for six members of Alabama’s congressional delegation and Alabama’s two U.S. senators for being named Champions of Manufacturing by the National Association of Manufacturing due to their important votes on manufacturing issues during the 113th Congress.

NAM released a list of legislative votes on issues critical to manufacturing in the United States.

Six of Alabama’s House members and U.S. Sens. Richard Shelby, R-Tuscaloosa, and Jeff Sessions, R-Mobile, join 270 other senators and representatives who will receive the NAM Award for Manufacturing Legislative Excellence.

“Manufacturing is so important to our state and nation’s economies and it takes support on all business and political fronts to keep manufacturing moving in the right direction and succeed in the global economy,” said Business Council of Alabama President and CEO William J. Canary. “The BCA, Alabama’s exclusive affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers, is honored to congratulate Alabama’s recipients of this important recognition.”

Members of Congress who consistently supported the manufacturing community during the 2013–2014 session of Congress and who maintained a voting record of 70 percent or higher receive the NAM Award for Manufacturing Legislative Excellence.

U.S. Sens. Richard Shelby, R-Tuscaloosa, and Jeff Sessions, R-Mobile, received the award.

U.S. House recipients are Reps. Robert Aderholt, R-Haleyville, Spencer Bachus, R-Vestavia Hills, Bradley Byrne, R-Mobile, Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, Mike Rogers, R-Saks, and Martha Roby, R-Montgomery. Former Rep. Jo Bonner, R-Mobile, also is a recipient.

“Manufacturers in the United States are making a comeback, creating jobs, making more products and making them better than ever before,” said NAM Senior Vice President of Policy and Government Relations Aric Newhouse. “However, manufacturers are often disproportionately impacted by decisions made by policymakers in Washington. It is critical that policymakers understand what is at stake and seek to implement policies that will foster innovation, growth and competitiveness.”

Key votes for the voting record are selected by small, medium and large manufacturing executives who serve on the NAM’s Key Vote Advisory Committee.

The non-partisan National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, representing small and large manufacturers in all 50 states and in every industrial sector. Manufacturing employs more than 12 million U.S. workers and contributes $2.08 trillion to the national economy each year, the NAM said.

-Dana Beyerle