Week Two of the 2025 Legislative Session
Capitol Briefing An Update from the House A series of bills were introduced in the House that aim to address current and future issues related to illegal immigration in Alabama.
The voice for Alabama businesses.
Lieutenant Governor Will Ainsworth joined BCA this week to discuss his plans to help advance Alabama’s business climate and stressed the vital role workforce development plays in the state’s overall success.
By prioritizing economic and workforce development, removing labor force participation barriers, capping property tax increases, and supporting small businesses and military families, Lt. Gov. Ainsworth is working to ensure Alabama is the best place to do business.
Next week’s briefing will feature Senate President Pro Tem Greg Reed. As a reminder, issues briefings are held each Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. at the BCA offices during the legislative session. The briefings will also be available via Facebook Live.
On Tuesday, the Senate passed legislation to help prevent voter fraud by cracking down on ballot harvesting. SB1 would make it a Class B felony for an Alabamian to pay another person for assistance with an absentee ballot and punishable by up to 20 years in prison. The bill was passed along party lines, 28-7.
After extensive debate on Thursday, the House of Representatives approved a two-bill package, including a constitutional amendment, to legalize gaming in Alabama. The legislation would authorize a state lottery, up to 11 casino sites with table games and slot machines, and allow in-person and online sports betting. The bills received favorable reports in the House Economic Development and Tourism Committee on Wednesday, and following passage on the House floor, have been sent to the Senate for consideration.
BCA connected with Alabama State Senator Garlan Gudger (R-Cullman) this week to discuss The Game Plan and how economic incentives continue to move Alabama forward. Watch that social media interview below.
Bill: HB18
Sponsor: Rep. Juandalynn Givan
BCA Position: Monitor
Status: Pending action in the House Judiciary Committee
Additional Information: This bill would create a cause of action against an employer who discriminates against an applicant or employee based upon the applicant or employee’s weight or body size.
Bill: HB21
Sponsor: Rep. Chip Brown
BCA Position: Monitor
Status: Received a favorable report by the House Judiciary Committee
Additional Information: This bill would require genetic testing companies to obtain express consent from consumers to retain, use, and share consumers’ genetic information with other entities. This bill would also create a civil penalty for use and disclosure by testing companies of consumer genetic information without consent and provide for enforcement by the Attorney General.
Bill: SB58
Sponsor: Sen. Arthur Orr
BCA Position: Monitor
Status: Pending action in the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee
Additional Information: This bill would make it a crime, with exceptions including criminal investigation and certain legal proceedings, to collect, analyze, or transfer an individual’s DNA without the individual’s express consent. The bill would require notice to an individual of results of a genetic test undergone by the individual when applying for employment, a loan, credit, an educational opportunity, and certain types of insurance.
This bill would also prohibit health, life, and long-term care insurers from using the results of an individual’s DNA analysis to make coverage and premium decisions and authorize the Commissioner of Insurance to enforce the prohibition.
Capitol Briefing An Update from the House A series of bills were introduced in the House that aim to address current and future issues related to illegal immigration in Alabama.
Capitol Briefing The First Week of Session in Review The 2025 legislative session officially began this week, with lawmakers returning to Montgomery to gavel in on Tuesday. Senator Garlan Gudger
Capitol Briefing Week Twelve Legislative Recap The legislature finished its 30th and final day of the 2024 regular session on May 9, with several notable pieces of legislation receiving final