Fall Intern Appointed by Business Council of Alabama

The Business Council of Alabama has named Ezekiel Academy student Savannah Rigby as a fall intern, BCA President and CEO William J. Canary announced today. The BCA regularly appoints interns in order for them to learn the workings of the state’s largest business advocacy organization.

“We invite select students as interns throughout the year for them to gain experience on how our team works,” Canary said. “This valuable experience helps them gain perspective as they pursue their educations and careers.”

Rigby is a junior and in 2013 earned membership in the National Honor Society with a grade-point average of 3.63.
Her activities include speech and debate contests. She is the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association Lincoln-Douglas Debate National Champion for 2014. Rigby also is the state winner of the National Peace Essay Contest for 2014.

Rigby’s volunteer experience includes being an NCFCA speech and debate coach, paging in the Alabama Senate, being a camp counselor and a media assistant for the Wetumpka Depot Players, and being a Vacation Bible School leader for four years.