Coronavirus Business Resources

BCA continues to closely monitor the spread COVID-19 and its impact on job creators, workers, and families. BCA is working closely with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to monitor the outbreak and its impact on the economy and the business community. 

Coronavirus Federal Small Business Stimulus Aid Programs

Over the last year, Congress has passed multiple massive pieces of legislation in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. BCA has worked diligently each step of the way to help individuals and small businesses navigate these packages and learn what resources are available to help them make it through the pandemic’s economic turmoil.

The most recent legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by President Biden was the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Below you will find a list compiled by the US Chamber that includes the top coronavirus aid programs and policy changes of which small businesses need to be aware.

Resources courtesy of the US Chamber of Commerce.
BCA is Alabama’s exclusive affiliate to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

COVID-19 News from the Govenor's Office

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) News & Resources

Latest COVID-19 News from the Govenor's office

Governor Ivey Extends Safer at Home Order

The Latest Safter at Home Order

Since 1985, the Business Council of Alabama has worked tirelessly advocating at the state and federal levels, ensuring businesses of all sizes can grow and flourish in our great state. BCA is your trusted source for resources and information that help you do business. This has never been more apparent than during the coronavirus pandemic where we have worked around the clock to keep our members informed. Over the last several months, we have provided countless resources, seeking to give some clarity in the uncertainty of this season.

Small Business Exchange

On April 9, BCA presented the Small Business Exchange on Alabama Public Television designed to help those walking through the process of applying for federal stimulus funding under the CARES Act. SBE allowed small businesses the opportunity to speak to more than 50 subject matter experts from the state’s largest law firms, CPA firms, and banks on a variety of topics. If you missed it, the televised portion can still be viewed on our Facebook page.

Coronavirus Task Force

As an engaged member of Governor Ivey’s Coronavirus Task Force, we tirelessly advocated on behalf of the businesses of our state to ensure they stayed informed as new developments and information came available throughout the pandemic.

Governor Ivey’s Liability Protection Executive Order

Working with Governor Ivey and her team, BCA was instrumental in securing liability protection for businesses and the healthcare community by means of an executive order. This allowed businesses to safely and responsibly reopen their doors without the unnecessary threat of lawsuits at the forefront of their minds. Because of BCA and our partners, Alabama was the first state in the nation to secure such a win for business.

Reopening Alabama Responsibly Task Force

As an influential part of the Alabama Small Business Commission’s Emergency Task Force, Reopen Alabama Responsibly subcommittee, we worked alongside the Lt. Governor, other elected officials, and members of the business community to advocate on businesses behalf, ensuring you could reopen your doors in the safest way possible.

On August 26-27, BCA hosted Engage Alabama, a virtual business summit free to all Alabamians. Bringing together more than 40 elected officials, industry leaders, and experts, the two-day summit was filled with almost 15 different sessions focused on doing business in the current climate. More than 1,200 individuals from across the state took part in this informative conference.

On November 17, BCA launched the grassroots movement to “Keep Alabama Open,” working to unite hardworking Alabamians in the earnest pursuit of protecting jobs and safeguarding self-governance. By keeping Alabama open, employees can safely continue to earn a living and support their families. Almost 1,000 individuals and businesses throughout the state signed onto the initiative in its first week.

Revive Alabama and Revive Plus

Working with Governor Ivey and a coalition of associations, including NFIB and the Alabama Restaurant Association, BCA helped to ensure additional CARES Act funding was available to small businesses, non-profits, and faith-based organizations impacted by COVID-19. Revive Alabama provided $100 million beginning in July 2020, and Revive Plus provided a second round of $200 million beginning in November 2020. Organizations who met the requirements were able to receive up to $20,000 in funding to cover costs incurred because of the ongoing pandemic.

Governor Ivey’s Tax and Economic Development Executive Order

Working with Governor Ivey and her team, BCA was was an influential voice in ensuring Alabama citizens and businesses would not have to pay state taxes on the financial benefits they received from Congress through the CARES Act. BCA also worked to change the previously established sunset dates for two tax-credit programs that assist Alabama’s economic-development efforts – the Alabama Jobs Act tax credits and the Growing Alabama tax credit.

As always, BCA continues to be a trusted resource for all businesses throughout the state. By working with organizations at the local, state, and national levels, BCA hopes to gain as much clarity as possible on ways to best help you. By providing resources, hosting webinars, and simply being a listening ear, BCA serves as your best advocate. Our website’s coronavirus resource page houses numerous and varied resources and webinars to help you navigate this new climate. We are constantly sharing new information as it comes available via our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter channels. Whatever you may face, we are with you every step of the way. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve you, and we hope to keep making Alabama a “Sweet Home for Business.”

Combatting the Coronavirus Toolkit from U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Information from the U.S. Small Business Administration

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has provided information on available SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) assistance. This program is designed to make economic injury assistance available to small businesses affected by the Coronavirus. SBA also shared the following contact information if you have specific questions: