Alabama Business Urged to Support Affordable Energy, Jobs, and Economic Growth

One of the Business Council of Alabama’s priorities for 2018 is to work for sound energy and environmental policies consistent with continued economic growth in Alabama. Reliable, affordable energy is vital to both Alabama’s industries and its households.

Currently, the federal government is conducting a major review of federal waters that are made available for offshore access, including in the Gulf of Mexico. This is a critical opportunity for Alabama businesses to weigh in with support for the government’s proposal to expand access to American energy in the Gulf.

“Affordable and reliable energy is vital not only for our homes and offices, but also for Alabama’s manufacturers.” Billy Canary

BCA members and all Alabama businesses are urged to comment on this proposal to expand Gulf of Mexico energy development that will support Alabama’s economy. The more we can continue to access that energy, the more Alabama will benefit.

“Affordable and reliable energy is vital not only for our homes and offices, but also for Alabama’s manufacturers that are leading Alabama in the new century of productivity and profitability,” said BCA President and CEO William J. Canary. “Our region’s plentiful and sustainable domestic energy sources, including Gulf oil and gas fields, should be explored fully in order to sustain affordable and available supplies for Alabama’s manufacturers, small businesses, and consumers. We are blessed with domestic energy sources and that should be managed in appropriate and reasonable ways for us and our children.”

Smart, sensible policies that encourage new growth and innovation in energy will benefit us all by ushering in a new and long-lasting era of energy abundance and growing the economy, which both supports and is supported by a healthy environment.

Alabama businesses can send a clear message at a government open house meeting in Montgomery on Thursday, March 8, and during the comment period underway through Friday, March 9. The message is to encourage job growth and economic success at home by accessing more American energy and supporting a more prosperous future for Alabama.

Alabama is blessed with abundant natural resources and vital industries that employ hundreds of thousands of Alabamians. This includes significant energy in the Gulf of Mexico, which today accounts for 17 percent of our nation’s crude oil production.

In 2014, Gulf of Mexico energy activity contributed 18,000 jobs and $1.5 billion in economic activity for Alabama.

One study has estimated that expanding access to energy in federal waters in the Gulf could produce an additional 21,000 jobs, $1.7 billion annually for the state’s economy, and nearly $550 million annually in state government revenue in 2035.

The Montgomery open house U.S. Department of the Interior meeting is scheduled from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn Montgomery-East Chase, 7665 EastChase Parkway.